- External Conclict:
-The struggle between a character and an outside force.
-Might be another character or nature.
- Internal Conflict:
-A struggle within a character´s mind ( A character must deal opossing thougths or feelings)
My Favorite Movie: 50 First Dates
One of my favorite movies is 50 First Dates. It´s a romantic movie made in Hawaii. It is starring by Drew Barrimore and Adam Sandler, ones of my favorite actors too. I love this movie because it´s not a predictable one, like most of the romantic movies used to be, so I think that the conflict of the story is highly original. At the beginning of the story appears the main characters in the location of Hawaii. The guy tries to get in love the girl every day, like it was the first time, that´s because the girl had an accident where she lost her temporal memory, so everyday that she woke up she doesn´t remain anything about the day before. At the end the couple live together and happy, and had a little pretty girl. She never recovered her memory.
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